North Yorkshire Council

Children and Young People's Service - Executive Members & Corporate Director Meetings


Tuesday, 2 July 2024 / 1.00 pm






Apologies for Absence





Declarations of Interest





Exclusion of the public from the meeting during consideration of item(s) 6  and 7 on the grounds that it/they each involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in the paragraph(s) 1-3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 as amended by the Local Government (Access to information)(Variation) Order 2006




Items for Executive Member decision




2025/26 Dedicated Schools Grant – Funding Consultation Approval Request (Pages 3 - 8)


To provide approval for consultations to be undertaken


(Pages 3 - 8)





Title:   DfE Teachers Pension Employer Contribution Grant (Special Schools and Pupil Referral Units) – Funding Consultation Approval Request (Pages 9 - 12)


To provide approval for the consultation to be undertaken with Special Schools and Alternative Provision (AP) Schools on the methodology to be used by the local authority for the distribution of the TPECG 24 to these establishments for the 2024/25 financial year.


(Pages 9 - 12)




Items for Corporate Director decision




Contract for the Provision of a Disabled Children’s Approved Providers List (Pages 13 - 108)


This report provides information on the proposal to implement an Approved Provider List for Disabled Children and to be used within Children and Family Services.


(Pages 13 - 108)





Young People's Pathway (Pages 109 - 112)


To agree the proposal for Pathway 1.

To agree the re-procurement of Pathway 2 for 2+1 years with a view for Housing to consider the wider Housing requirements under the housing strategy. The funding of Pathway 2 to be shared on a 50/50 share between Housing and CYPS for the 2+1 recommissioning reflecting the demand for under 18 young people and over 18 young people.


(Pages 109 - 112)




Any Other Business




Date of future formal meetings









Executive Members

Officer attendees

Presenting Officers

Janet Sanderson

Annabel Wilkinson

Stuart Carlton

Howard Emmett

Mel Hutchinson





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